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We like sports

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Really, this is just a place-holder for the post I’m mentally composing about how I love college basketball so very much. Seriously. But that’s for another day!

Today, let’s talk about how much I enjoy hockey. Now, I didn’t grow up a hockey fan– living in a non-freezing winter climate zone and being a “stay inside and read” sort of kid ensured that– but I’ve come to enjoy it more and more in the last five or so years. We have a local hockey team, of course, so that helps; being able to go to games regularly makes it easier for me to nurse my crushes on various players (don’t judge me) and learn more about the game. This year, we have a quarter-season pass, which includes tickets for ten games, and have probably bought tickets for an additional five or so games…and full-season tickets are planned for next season. We’re pretty lucky to live about five minutes’ drive from the HP Pavilion, which makes impromptu hockey nights out possible– we went to a game with my parents last weekend for free, yo!

Oh, and one of the best things about going to hockey games, especially considering that there is a small bounty of awesome local shops nearby?

My mom refers to this as my "H-E-double-hockey-sticks" shirt. It is the highlight of my game-night wardrobe.

Are you a hockey fan? Do you have a local sports team that you get to see often?