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Friday, I love your face

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The last couple weeks have been a little trying, health-wise (the in-laws brought a throat-focused ailment to town with them, which left us both with tonsillitis, then I had The World’s Worst Sinus Headache for a couple days this week), but I’m finding plenty of reasons not to completely take to my bed immediately after limping home from work. Among them…

  • An anniversary dinner at a nearby Austrian restaurant, which allowed us to taste some never-before-sipped wines (even beyond the wonder of grüner veltiner!) and sigh over some pretty wonderful spätzle (and, clearly, to have more fun than ever thought possible with umlauts)
  • A flurry of online-purchase shipments, including our now-traditional anniversary album (Yes, two years in a row does a tradition make. That was some weird syntax right there.)
  • Friday Night Lights. I know I’m about five years late to the “I love the Taylors” party, but you guys…I love the Taylors. And Matt Saracen (and his grandma!), and Tim Riggins, but not Lyla Garrity. Sorry, just can’t. Even when she’s getting her locker defaced with lipstick.
  • Christmas music on Pandora. Somehow, I skipped over the segment of July in which I desperately yearn for sweater-and-hot-chocolate weather, but I’m making up for it now– the perfect counterpoint to hours of Powerpoint editing at work.
  • Moccasins, my new iteration of house-slipper. GP has been rocking the moc slippers for quite some time (you’re welcome, dude), but I had been holding out for the right pair…which I found for about $12 at Target. It’s all I can do not to just wear these everywhere during the weekends. Target, you complete me.
  • The beginning of hockey season. Not just because I get to regularly sport this shirt, but because I missed those guys. We have full-season tickets now, so I’ll get to do even more power-play-shark-mouth-hand-signaling. Joy!
Tell me, friends, what’s making your week? Also, here is a picture of me in some Sally Jesse Raphael glasses, taken in Japan. Enjoy!

This is what I would look like if I were a hipster.

About Megan

I read, I write, I drink wine while watching way too much tv. Let's be friends.

7 responses »

  1. Much like you are late to “Friday Night Lights,” I am late but have now discovered Pandora. Love it and the Miles Davis I get to listen to while doing sometimes boring work.

    • Ah, yes! Pandora! I have been a fan foreeeever, and can be counted on to be shout-singing show tunes at the cat on Sunday mornings. He is, as you might imagine, thrilled about this.

  2. I’m nearing my ‘it’s time to listen to Christmas music’ period too. It usually creeps up on me sometime in October when I’m up to my neck in work and need some happy music.

  3. I just got into FNL a few months ago and have yet to watch the last few episodes of the fifth season (wah, I don’t want it to end!). I too am not a Lyla fan, but I’m even less a fan of Julie Taylor. She’s annoying and ungrateful and needs to stop having affairs with her teachers. However, I DO love Matt and Tim and I absolutely adore Mindy.

    • Yeah, the second that Julie broke up with Matt, I knew it was pretty much the end of me having any affection for her. She is totally the weak link in the Taylor clan– it might be baby Grace, but she’s only about two months old at this point…too early to tell.

  4. Moccasins are hands down the best house slippers ever! I got some awesome ones this summer for my bf and I! I wear them all the time!

  5. I still have yet to hop on the Friday Night Lights bandwagon, but it’s on the list of things I need to catch up on – I keep hearing good things so I figure I should just give in and check it out.


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